Wedding Wednesday: Keeping Things in Perspective


Before I get into this week's post - let me first take a moment to say

Congrats to the San Antonio Spurs for giving Miami the sound beating I knew they would get.


Okay, now that that is out of the way…on to the post.

I thought about naming this post "Stalemate," and basically I was going to dress up a character flaw, lack of patience, as a "pet peeve" -  having to wait on other people to get back to me.

But then I remembered 3 things -

Having patience is a virtue. And this is an opportunity for me to strengthen a weak area within myself.

A conversation I had with my dad - "I hope you're not a bridezilla..."

A piece of advice the bride and friend of mine, Martine, shared with me this weekend, "You do all this planning and want things to be perfect but it doesn't go exactly as you planned and that's okay."

Those three things helped me to refocus and essentially keep things in perspective.


Amidst all the planning and waiting, which is in itself a gift, I know this to be true -

  • GOD brought Daniel and I together. HE is orchestrating all things concerning us including our wedding day and our marriage.
  • GOD will provide. Whether it's the right vendors or the funds to accomplish everything on the wedding planning checklist, HE will make a way for us.
  • Gratitude is greater. There is power in a grateful heart. Realizing that it doesn't take "all" this fanfare to have a blessed marriage makes me all the more grateful that Daniel and I are in a position where we can share our joy with others.
  • It's time to be excited! After sharing in this past weekend's wedding celebration of our good friends, Marc and Martine, I can't wait for our wedding day to arrive. Even with everything not being in place.
  • The most important detail of the wedding day are the guests. At this point it's a given that Danny and I will be present on our wedding day. He's locked in for life, lol. And we can do life and love and even start our marriage without the gold chargers and floral centerpieces. Those fine details are nice but at the end of the day the best memories of that day will have to do with those who are present. I saw that play out first hand this weekend.

Which brings me to my Wedding Weekend Recap:

The Wedding Celebration of Marc and Martine

Day 1. Saturday - Traditional Cameroonian Ceremony 


Day 2. Sunday - Traditional American Ceremony 

Martine preparing to enter.
Martine preparing to enter.
With the Bride and Groom.

Guess what my favorite part of the weekend was?

[polldaddy poll=8132121]

It was a great weekend! I have another wedding weekend in another week and a half. I actually have two weddings to attend back to back. FUN!

'Tis the Season! For wedding bells...

Great week pilgrims!!

Keeping things in perspective,