Ooh So You Love Yourself? Prove it!!

How do you show yourself that you have worth?? God has called you precious!

But do you believe it?

....You are worth the price paid by the SON - the shed blood of GOD. Jesus. God. The Son. He left eternity and stepped into confines of a human body


For You! ...and Me...and everyone else who will accept Him and the sacrifice He made.

It's true :)

He loves you

loves you


So how should you respond?

Love Him back of course! That and love others the way you love yourself...

So that brings us to the next question-

How do you love yourself?

We all need to think about that question...

I did recently and this is what I came up with-

I show myself that I love myself and have worth by (doing or partaking in any of these one things by myself)

   I cook myself gourmet meals (foodie)

                          I take myself on picnics

                          Conversation by candlelight with God

                          Drinking Sparkling Red Grape Juice from a fancy glass :) [Oh YEAH!!]

                          Painting my nails

                          Occassionally...running lol

                          Taking care of my hair

                          Treating myself every now and then...to ice cream, earrings, shoes or whatever my current binge is




                          Taking pictures - especially of clouds

  Music - especially classical music for my moods




God needs time with each of us to show us how much He loves us....

So even though I am physically usually by myself when partaking in these different activities...I'm really not. I'm with God. In His presence...and having the time of my life. Basically I'm telling you if you haven't made time in your life

Just for you and God

You're missing out.

Literally He's trying to communicate some things to you

And telling you of your worth to Him

Is Just the beginning

So you love yourself??? Prove It!! :winks: