Travel Log: Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic

Dates: June 3 to June 9, 2017

Destination: Iglesia Bautista La Romana, La Romana, El República Dominicana

Theme: UNITE

The over-arching theme of the trip was UNITE. The goal was to have the students on this trip leave this experience with the understanding that the gospel of Jesus Christ—better than any other ideal or philosophical claim—unites

Day 1 - Saturday - June 3

After a 6am call time and a 9:50a departure time, The Student Life Dominican Republic Mission Team from Mount Pisgah UMC landed in El República Dominicana around 2pm. Once aboard the bus, we had orientation as we made the one hour ride to La Romana. 

When we arrived in La Romana we were greeted by Pastor Ramon Castro and his wife Ludis. They shared their vision for their ministry and caring for orphans with us. 

Day 2 - Sunday - June 4

We worshipped alongside the members of the Iglesia Bautista La Romana congregation. There was a morning service and an evening service, both in Spanish.

We also had small group, devotional sessions for the team in English.

We went out into the community to invite the local children to Vacation Bible School. 

Day 3 - Monday - June 5

Day 4 - Tuesday - June 6

At final count, 73 children showed up for VBS today!

Day 5 - Wednesday - June 7

Mi nombre es jesucristo y te perdono porque te amo. 

At Wednesday night service, Pastor Castro addressed the team and thanked us for our service. Here are a few highlights from his address -

"[If] I am a teacher who speaks, [and] you are a teacher who does, you are a better teacher than me....
Back in the day, people would serve, [but] now people pay others to serve. We make excuses now [for why we can't serve], my family, my work...
If we don't see each other again on earth, I'll see you in the presence of our Lord. 
May you be found faithful when He comes..." 


Day 6 - Thursday - June 8

Day 7 - Friday - June 9

WE didn't go to La Romana to put a stake in the ground and take the DR for Jesus.

That was not the mission. Our mission was to serve in La Romana.

We went to inspire hope, and that's what we did!

Hope was inspired every time we pushed a child on the swing...every time we sat with someone even though we couldn't speak their language...every time we picked up an axe to help the other construction workers...hope was inspired with every stroke of the paintbrush...

And God was glorified!