3rd Year Beach Bums

On this day, 3 years ago, Findlay House was officially forged.

"Forged" is a fitting term, because with it is the connotation of beating or hammering into shape, and that's what marriage does. Two people do not become one automatically. But marriage has a way of beating two people into the mold of one beautiful union, if you let it, and don't resist the process. 


I won't pretend that Danny and I are perfectly melded, but we've come a long way since that chilly first day of November in 2014, and I give God the glory for that. Without His blessing, without His guidance, without His divine provision, Danny and I could easily have been among the number of young couples that break during the forging process of marriage, instead of blending. But God has been kind. 


Today is very much a celebration of God's goodness as it is a celebration of a marriage milestone. After all, we didn't get here by our own efforts. 

And celebrating is exactly what we're doing! 


I'm currently sitting in a hammock outside, wearing my husband's basketball shorts and my "God loves the hell out of you" shirt, basking in 80 degree weather. There's a nice breeze. We're a few walking blocks away from the beach. 

Usually when I call myself a bum its negative self talk, because I feel like I'm not being as productive as I should be.  But today I'm happy to own "3rd year beach bums." By God's grace we've had the strength to work hard, so we could even have this time to do nothing more than enjoy recreational activity.

It feels SO good not have to be glued to my computer doing work or checking emails. 


I did a full recap of our trip in a later post, but for now I'm just happy to share our wedding anniversary news with you!

Until Next Time. Grace + Peace to you,