15 Days of Optimism: The Language of Tears
Confessions, Family TableCara-Marie Findlayballed, cry, crying, emotions, foreign, God, happy, language, laughter, loved, optimism, positivity, sad, tears, Truth, vulnerability
Wedding Wednesdays: You Better Shop Around
Wedding, Family RoomCara-Marie Findlaybig girl panties, big ticket item, big ticket purchases, budget, choosing a hotel, communication, compare, comparison, consumer behavior, consumer psychology, decision making, decision making process, effective communication, emotions, evaluation, evaluation of alternatives, feelings, flexibility, floral, forgiveness, God, hump day, information search, Jesus, Love, love and marriage, marriage, mind, money, money management, need, non-negotiable, oldies, optional, options, personal growth, pick me up, post-purchase evalutation, premarital, premarital class, premarital counseling, process, processing, purchase, renew mind, retrain, smokey robinson, tablescape, the miracles, thinking, thongs, wedding budget, wedding planning, wedding planning tips, Wedding wednesdays, weddings, wednesday, you better shop around
Wedding Wednesdays: First Things First
Wedding, Family RoomCara-Marie Findlaybridal party, bridezilla, celebration, confession, cry, emotions, engaged, engagement, family, feelings, fiance, fiancee, forever, God, husband, Jesus, journey, laugh, life, life lessons, Love, marriage, polls, prayer, set the date, share, Sharing, transparency, Truth, venue, vows, wedding bells, wedding planning, weddings, wife, women, writing
Blinders vs. Blinding: The Art of Training the Eye
Uncategorized, Family Room, ConfessionCara-Marie Findlaybelief, Bible, blinders, blinding, challenges, confession, creation, destiny, emotions, eyes, faith, feelings, God, grace, Jesus, life, light, path, purpose, rest, Romans, trust, wedding planning, weddings, writing
The Problem of a Renewed Mind
Confession, Inspired Living, Family RoomCara-Marie FindlayApostle Paul, Bible, conversation, conversations, cooking and cleaning, emotions, fasting, fasting and prayer, God, Jesus, Love, mind, Paul, prayer, Romans, strong holds, thinking, train of thought, weapons, wrong
Confessions, Family TableCara-Marie Findlayanswered prayers, belief, college, coward, cowardly, crying, emotions, feelings, feminine, femininity, nervous system, Nikki, Nikki Giovanni, passion, poetry, praying, rights, sensitive, sensitivity, sleep, soul, speak up, tears, therapy, UF, University of Florida, valuable, value, woman, women, world, writing
When Context Changes
Confessions, Family TableCara-Marie Findlay1998, Ain't no mountain high enough, annoying, birthday, bridesmaid, broken heart, cancer, change, confession, Context, cry, crying, Cystic Fibrosis, death, dying, emotions, fathers and daughters, feelings, honesty, Julia Roberts, life, Love, marriage, marvin gaye, memories, mother, mothers and daughters, mountains, movie, movies, music, oldies, photography, pictures, songs, stepdaughter, Stepmom, Sunday, Susan Sarandon, tammi terrell, television, terminal illness, transition words, transitions, TV, wedding
Why I'm Ditching Social Media
Confessions, Family TableCara-Marie FindlayBlogs, channels, Charade, Charades, connections, emotional health, emotions, Facebook, fllickr, hash tags, health, Instagram, like, mental health, networking, Pinterest, Pretend, Socail Media, Social Media, spirituality, the crowd, tools, transparency, transparent, Twitter, Wordpress, Youtube
Broken Hearts. Unnatural Cries.
Family RoomCara-Marie Findlaycompassion, Connecticut, death, emotions, feelings, God, grace, grief, healing, honesty, Jesus, Joyia Kelly, Kaiya Castillo, mercy, Newtown CT, numb, pain, poetry, processing, Sandy Hook Elementary School, shooting, suicide, transparency, truth hurts, understanding, writing