Testimony Tuesdays: Mastered by the Master

I used to joke that the only way I would “go back to school” to obtain my Master’s degree is if Jesus Himself told me to.

Well, here I am.

Mastered by the Master, Jesus Himself.

As a naturally inquisitive person, I consider myself a lifelong learner. I saw formal education beyond a Bachelor’s degree as nice to have, but certainly not necessary to make a lasting impact in the world, especially if it was in a more generalized field.

It was actually my work as an independent consultant that first introduced me to the field of Development, and more specifically Communication for Development (C4D). After learning all I could through all the free courses on C4D I could find, and to the credit of Jesus, a preoccupation with finding a relevant master’s program soon took hold.

To be clear, I resisted. At first.

My first child, Malachi, was only about six months old, and I did not want to go into any debt to cover tuition for a degree. But I had a promise from the Lord, this was His will and He would ensure my tuition would be paid. 

I had never heard of Malmö University before 2018 but after reading about the online master’s programme for Communication for Development I saw it was a perfect fit! I applied to commence my studies for Autumn 2019. It was the only program I applied to and I was accepted!

My acceptance letter came in April 2019, and my first year tuition was due in June 2019. Studies were to commence in September 2019. I applied for a full scholarship from the University, but I was not one of the four people selected to receive it. Still, believing that this is where the LORD was leading, I even set up a GoFundMe to try and raise the funds for my first year tuition.

When it became clear, I probably wouldn’t be able to cover my first year’s tuition in time, I cried out to the Lord in frustration:

“Is this what you want Lord? I applied, I got accepted. You promised to pay for it. I thought I heard you correctly. But is it me? Is it my will, and not yours? Tell me to let it go, if it’s not your will.”

This poor girl, cried, and the Lord heard her (See: Psalm 34:6) and ANSWERED, speedily: “Request a deferment for commencement of studies.”

Me (super confused): Huh? Do they even do deferments in Sweden? This doesn’t make any sense to me, why apply just to defer? But okay Jesus…okay…either this is you, or I’m crazy.

So once more, prompted by the Lord, I looked up deferment of studies on the University website, found out that it was actually a thing in Sweden as well, requested a deferment to commence my studies and my request was granted.

PLOT TWIST: A few months after the request, I learned I was pregnant with my second child!

Had I commenced my studies in September 2019, I would have been completely overwhelmed by attempting to keep up with my studies while preparing to, and then giving birth to my second child, and then trying to adjust to life with a toddler and newborn.

But the LORD, all-knowing, gave me five months to adjust between the birth of my second child and the start of my Master’s program, which commenced in September 2020.

Oh that’s not all!

And, AND in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S., the LORD, as He promised, made a way for me to pay my tuition in full, in the exact amount! You can’t make this stuff up!


As of June 23rd, 2022 - I am now a proud holder of a Master of Arts in Communication for Development degree from Malmö University (Sweden). (In case you’re wondering…you’re probably not but I’m going to tell you anyway…Development is the intentional, multidimensional process concerned with using resources to improve the economic, social and cultural conditions of communities and countries (Girvan, 1993, p. 30)…my degree project was on Afro-Caribbean Philosophy and Development in Jamaica :winks atchu:)

All of this to say that if it had not been for Jesus—the LORD who was on my side and by my side—this Master’s Degree would not have been possible!

…I’m not just talking about getting through a Master’s program that required waking up at 3:30a EST to attend a lecture at 4am EST/10am Swedish (CE) time and completing assignments; while still being mommio to two young children; being wife to a husband who makes-it-happen for us on the daily; and building a consulting business—I’m talking about the entire journey!

If it had not been for Jesus I would not have been in the Malmö University Communication for Development program at all! I would not have even known about the program to desire to be a part of it!

And it is by His strength and grace alone, that I made it through to the end, completing a research project that included a 13,000 word, 55-page final paper in three months!

JESUS remained true to His word and has been with me every step of the way. All that I have done, He has done for me (Isaiah 26:12). To Him be all the glory!

JESUS is truly LORD and Master. The Hebrew word is: Adonai - the GOD who rules!

He’s supreme in his rulership and ownership. He is the definition of a true and good Master. Taking on the responsibility for the care and well-being of those who submit to His Lordship. He provides for, protects, guides and maximizes what He owns (that is: HIS people).

What a privilege to be Mastered by the Master!

If I’m completely honest…there’s a few more areas that I need the Master to master for me. Apparently, I have control issues (aka issues surrendering my feeble attempts at control to Him). But I’m working on it.


HE’s working on me.

…I know it’s been a while…but I just had to testify! Hope Summer 2022 is making all your summer time dreams come true, especially since we’ve all been in the house for the past two years lol