Twenty-Two Days In



<- That's a picture of me...(all doobie wrapped up)

Leaning in to say "HOLA" in  my most bubbly voice :-)

It feels like it's been awhile...and indeed it has

So much has happened in such a short period of time.

About two weeks ago the number of men and women in my life multiplied!

Keep in mind I'm relatively new to the area...I've been here for just about 22 days now...

And you'd think I'd be bored out of my mind by now but no!

This has been a time of blessing...from the ability to be a blessing to the ability to recognize the blessings in my on life.

For the most part I could easily have a very full schedule. There's plenty to do or at the very least plenty to see.

But a busy schedule isn't always a productive schedule. After Bible study this past Wednesday night I realized that my newfound "busy" schedule was really hindering my productivity in the area that matters most - my relationship with Christ!


I walked out of that Bible study realizing that I was a liar. I had been lying to myself. I convinced myself that I was more in love with Christ than I really was at the moment. Pastor Crute once said "If you can remember a time when you were more on fire for God than you are're lukewarm." And I walked out of Bible study Wednesday night realizing that was my reality. I was lukewarm. I wasn't my bubbly self. I had lost my passion, my zeal, my love. I had love for Jesus of course but every time I said something like "Lord I just want to say that I love you More than Anything" I was lying. There were plenty of other things that had my attention. And ultimately the idol in Christ's place was and my feelings. If I was pleased with how my day was going I forgot to take time to see if God was pleased.

Here's the good news:

There's a cure! Jesus is that!! All it took was recognizing I'd fallen short and an earnest and sincere desire to be taught by Him on how to love Him back. How to respond to His love correctly and how to truly love Him with all my heart, my soul, my strength, and my mind. And here we are - well here I am more in love with Him than ever...and this time I'm not operating in my own strength and ability to love Him like I said Jesus is that!!

Good News!!

So what have I been up to these days?

Well for starters...

I don't have to go to Starbucks anymore. I have two, or three new places I go for internet access (three if I include the library)

I've made a couple friends successfully all mutual friends of my very limited contacts here and that's gone well. Extremely well in fact.

Although, I'm still job-hunting I've successfully made good use of my time by using it to help out wherever I can. And there's been plenty of helping to do.

At the top of my list though is feeding at the feet of Jesus. I'm making the most of every opportunity and the interest I've expressed in the King of Kings has not gone unnoticed or in vain. HE loves me!!

That's my update in the nutshell of a new post

The clouds are nice where I am...

God's wiling there will be plenty more to share sooner than later

Grace.&.Peace Pilgrims