Hello Again: The Ram in the Thicket

Hey there! ...And happy 2012!

Can you guess where I am??? That's right...I'm in Starbucks...again...using their free wi-fi.


Do you remember that Lionel Richie song "Hello"? More importantly do you remember the music video??? It's quite creeper!

Let me set the scene for you - Lionel sings "Hello/Is it me you're looking for {keep in mind the girl he's singing to is blind! She's going about her day not looking for anybody...so perhaps more creeper is the fact that she's his student and he keeps popping up in random places during the video to watch her - just stop!}

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDZcqBgCS74?rel=0&w=420&h=315]

I brought that up because...Well...sometimes I feel like a creeper...::sings:: "Sometimes I feel like a nut..." lol

Lionel Richie sang "Hello". So I say "Hello...Again."

Seriously I'm back in Starbucks people-watching. And I'm fascinated. I promise you this is the closest I've come to my fantasy of people randomly breaking out in a musical number. I told you about some of the tunes they were playing in here the other day - straight oldies. People can't resist singing along! Two different women started singing different sections of "Knock on Wood" and this one man just walked out singing along to "How sweet it is to be loved by you." It's amazing! I love it!! I was always that awkward girl who burst out into song during conversation because one word triggered it.

My hair is growing like nobody's business! Great ::sarcastic voice:: When I wanted it to grow it wouldn't and now that I've adjusted and currently love the angled bob do it wants to grow...smh...:rolls eyes: what-ev-er.

I think I'd be quite content living in this Starbuck's coffee shop. These tunes could easily be the soundtrack of my life. Sam Cooke is currently singing my life with his words - "Cupid". He's killing me softly.


For the more intellectual among us - let me attempt to get a little deep.

Have you ever felt/known you were in the right place at the right time? It's like a click moment...like when the seat belt clicks inside the buckle. Those moments have been rare for me...but since the move I've experienced it again.

Here's another question for you-

Have you ever felt that GOD thought way more highly of you than HE should or trusted you more than you feel HE should? I feel that way all the time. And even though I feel that way GOD always allows me to surprise myself. I really do work best under pressure. Especially when He's the one that applies the pressure.

Maybe some people are cut out to be used in a spectacular way by GOD and maybe I'm one of those people and just don't know it yet but what I do know is that God does use me and in those moments I feel like I'm right on track and that I'm simply walking in the steps HE already ordered for me.

Often times when I'm being used by God I feel like "the ram in the thicket." Genesis 22 tells the story of Abraham's being tested by God. God tells Abraham to offer up his son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham trusts in God enough to almost go through with it, in fact the angel of the Lord has to show up to tell Abraham to stop. Still there had to be a sacrifice. Genesis 22:13 tells how Abraham finds a ram caught by its horns in the thicket. And Abraham sacrifices the ram. The ram was in the right place, at the right time, and served its purpose before God.

When I say I feel like the ram in the thicket I don't mean to imply that I've had to put my life on the line or shed my blood for others. No, that's not it at all. Jesus was the lamb who was slain for the sins of the world.

However, God has at times placed me in such a way that I'm at the right place, at the right time, with the right of money or resources or the right amount of time to help others. Most people might not find that praiseworthy especially if it requires putting your plans, or desires, on hold. But it's humbling to know that God would trust me enough to place me in a position to help others. When each opportunity arises I feel like "God you trust me too much." He keeps raising the bar for me. I'm working to rise to the challenge...every time. I'll clean toilets and sweep the street if God tells me to. I'm not in it for the glory - HE's already glorious!

I can honestly say that God never fails to provide for me and meet my needs. I may not always have excess to squander on myself but somehow God always ensures that my needs are met.

The ram in the thicket may not be glorified or praised or receive the admiration of others but it certainly fulfilled the plan and purpose of God and at the end of the day...that's all I want to do.

Let's not live in vain and let's not live vainly. Eternity exists.

Grace.&.Peace Pilgrims...