It is the east, and They are the sun.

I had such a hectic weekend and it's been a busy beginning of the week too. However, as busy as the weekend got I made time to feel the passage of time. I am no longer comfortable with the thought of time passing with absolutely nothing to show for it. All you end up doing is wondering where the time went. So just as I was about to lose my mind on Friday in the midst of going to the gas station I saw this. It literally made me stop in my tracks. After a moment of just standing there gazing at God's canvas, I ran inside got my camera and snapped this shot. It was beautiful. As crazy as I was feeling, as crazy as life can get - it is still beautiful. And there are still times when we should just take a moment to pause and reflect on our Maker.

Time is already moving fast enough for all of us. It's up to us to feel each second we possibly can. It's up to fill our days with meaning. After such a beautiful sight, I decided that no matter how late I went to bed, no matter how sick I was feeling (I was trying to ward off an impending flu) I was going to wake up early enough to watch the sunrise with my siblings. I checked the time it said sunrise was scheduled for 7:03a . I think we went to bed around 12:30a, which actually wasn't too late. My older sister couldn't make it but at 6a dark and early, my little sister woke up and so did I. We got ready woke up my brother and then we got dressed and made it to the beach around 6:45a. Even though it was scheduled for 7:03a  it didn't rise until 7:05a. It was a beautiful morning seeing the handiwork of God. When I lived in S. Florida I took the beach for granted - that was the first time I ever went to go watch the sunrise at the beach and now I want to do that as often as possible. It was all great.

But the best part was sharing that moment I was having with God with my brother and sister. 

Boynton is the East and my family, They are the sun!